
My random posts

Facebooking is it the way to go?

So I'm not a big fan of the social platform that now rules our lives that is facebook, but I do know however that I am on it daily and update it far more often than I would my website in the potential that more people would see my posts. But when it comes to my photography business it's probably far more beneficial for me to update my website blog and keep that updated instead. With my site provider it's no harder to update my blog as it is my facebook feed but I guess there's no instant feedback with my website which maybe why I find it harder to update it so frequently. 


For a little experiment I am going to post over 20 times on my facebook Business page tomorrow to see how much if any attention it gets. Then I will have to try next tuesday maybe to post a load of posts on my website in one day and see if that has any effect. I don't think I would be able to manage 20 posts in one day on my website though however but I will try and share a bunch of stuff and see if any of it gives me a boost in visits etc!  

Anyways thought I'd share that with you, I know not all my posts are of great interest so hopefully this will spice me up a bit and make me think outside of the box some more! 

To follow tomorrow's facebook adventures check out my page: